Posted on 9/30/2020

If you’re having trouble starting your car, a dead battery isn’t always the offending culprit. While a dead battery is common, faulty spark plugs can be the primary source of the issue. The spark plugs and the electrical components that power them make up the ignition system. At a predetermined time, spark plugs transmit electrical signals from the ignition coil. These electrical signals supply a spark that ignites the air and fuel mixture inside the combustion chamber. Spark plugs require routine service and maintenance every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. If the spark plugs aren’t working, the engine won’t either. Worn spark plugs will show a few noticeable symptoms when it’s time for them to be replaced. Below are five signs that your spark plugs need maintenance. The Check Engine Light Comes On. If the check engine light is on, it’s best to have your vehicle inspected by an automotive specialist. The check engine light ... read more
Posted on 8/31/2020

When it comes to ensuring your safety, your brakes are one of the essential components. Without your brakes, your vehicle would struggle slowing or decelerating to a stop. Despite how important they are to our safety; many people still don’t know how to brake properly. They seem to be taken for granted with aggressive braking or slowing sooner than necessary. Leading most drivers to a life of frequent wear and brake tune-ups. This also doesn’t account for the drivers who then decide to neglect brake tune-ups to save money. The last thing you want to do is speed your vehicle on the highway with brakes that aren’t performing their absolute best. Below are a few maintenance tips for breaking bad driving habits and increasing the lifespan of your brakes: Brake Inspection. When was the last time you’ve had your brakes checked? If you don’t remember the last time, it’s probably the time to have them inspected. Your vehicle should be servi ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2020
It’s summer, and you’ve done all you can to keep your vehicle cool and effectively functioning. So, it comes as a surprise when you turn on your car and notice some of the electrical components aren’t working. When this happens, most people may think of their car battery. The alternator is one major part that can lead to several failing parts. The alternator, along with the battery, ensures that your vehicle starts and continues working successfully. Signs of a bad alternator will usually announce themselves pretty quickly. The alternator is an essential aspect of your vehicle because it converts energy from the running engine into electrical energy. This electrical energy works to keep your vehicle’s electrical systems functioning and keeps the battery charged. It’s called an alternator because it creates an alternating current that reverses direction periodically. Alternating current was introduced to vehicles around the 1960s and has stuck around ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2020
With the world in a health crisis, businesses that once worked yesterday no longer work today. New restrictions are in place, and businesses have no choice but to adapt. Covid-19 destroyed many industries. The movie theater is one industry that suffered the most damage. Hearts broke around the country as big-name industries such as AMC and Cineworld had to close its doors. As restrictions begin to lift, movie buffs are left wondering about the future of their big-screen date nights. Pandemics don't go away overnight, and restrictions for social distancing may last for at least the foreseeable future. Some large movie studios have chosen to release new films directly to digital platforms for customers to enjoy. Let's face it; no one truly enjoyed that $20 popcorn. However, watching a movie at home doesn't replace the IMAX screen, the energy of the audience, or the experience of being in a new environment. With new guidelines in place, should we take a trip down memory ... read more