Posted on 1/21/2021

Synthetic Oil Before determining whether or not you can switch to synthetic oil or a different grade, it is important to understand what synthetic oil is. Synthetic oil uses petroleum elements along with organic and inorganic compounds. These compounds differ from the ones found in conventional oils. In general, the compounds in synthetic oils are purer and more uniform, while the ones found in conventional oils contain additives that lower the quality. Some cars use synthetic blends, which involves a combination of the compounds found in conventional and synthetic oils. Of course, these are less pure and thus of lower standard than fully synthetic oils. Because of the higher quality of synthetic oils, about 70% of newer cars use them instead of conventional ones. The purpose of synthetic oils is to lubricate engines more efficiently than conventional oils and synthetic blends. Other advantages of synthetic oils include: Longer-lasting Better horsepower Better resistance to oxid ... read more