Posted on 7/27/2022

You recently noticed that your car wasn't running correctly. It has problems starting up, the engine is constantly overheating, and you notice blue smoke from the exhaust. After asking around, someone mentioned that you might have a head gasket leak. However, you don't know what that means. This article will help you understand what a head gasket leak is, including the signs to look out for and what to do in case of a head gasket leak. What Is A Head Gasket Leak? A head gasket is a seal found between the engine block and the cylinder head. The primary purpose of this seal is to prevent engine fluids such as oil, coolant, and compression from escaping. A head gasket leak occurs when this seal breaks and coolant, oil, or combustion gasses start leaking into your cylinders. Symptoms of a Head Gasket Leak Blue Smoke One of the first signs of a gasket leak is that blue smoke starts coming out of the exhaust. This blue smoke usually indicates that excess oil from lubricating ... read more