Posted on 8/23/2021
Your muffler plays a vital role in the safe and functional operation of your vehicle's exhaust system, a fairly complex system. A critical function of the muffler is that it serves to direct exhaust gases away from your engine and passenger cabin. Because exhaust fumes are hazardous for us to inhale, it's always reasonable to make sure that your muffler is doing its job correctly. Additionally, a properly functioning muffler will help minimize the noise from the exhaust being directed to your tailpipe. Trust us - you don't want to be that person on the road with the obnoxiously loud car. Here's a look at the top four signs of muffler malfunction: Loud Noise A loud raucous could be a result of an exhaust leak originating from your muffler. If there's a puncture or hole in your muffler, the leak can significantly increase the level of sounds generated by your exhaust system. Misfiring This symptom applies to any part of your exhaust system and not ... read more