Posted on 8/25/2023

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to keep you comfortable? Enter the world of A/C recharges and refrigerants – the unsung heroes of your car's climate control system. What Is An A/C Recharge? An A/C recharge, also known as an A/C service, is the process of replenishing your car's air conditioning system with refrigerant. Refrigerant is the substance that makes your A/C system capable of transforming warm air into the cool breeze you crave on hot days. Refrigerants 101 Refrigerants are chemical compounds that absorb heat from the surrounding air, cooling it down and releasing heat outside. They go through a continuous cycle of compression, condensation, expansion, and evaporation, creating a cooling effect. Types of Refrigerants Over the years, different types of refrigerants have been used in car air conditioning systems. Let's take a look at some of them: R-12 (Freon-12): This was once the most commonly used refrigerant. However, it ... read more